From a speech I delivered on August 9, 1970, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington, DC:
And we can be together—those of us who want to see an end to the oppression of the people by businesses, by “professionals” and by the government. We want to end a war which is being perpetuated by the biggest liars since Hitler. We want to stop the suppression of the truth. We cannot tolerate the continuing fascism which took the lives of William Schroeder, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Lee Schaeur, and Allison Krause, May fourth, at Kent State University in Ohio. We want to end a system which immorally eliminates black leaders.
We must be together—the students and the workers, blacks and whites and Greeks and Mexicans. All the minorities together will make the majority. And this majority will not be silent.
Silence in the face of oppression is immoral.
Why are we here? Why are talking politics in the church? The religion of the revolution is the politics of the spirit. We are in this struggle in order that we might finally set our souls free. But the only way we can do this is by making a new world. Our job is to work for changes which bring us closer to the realization of a dream.
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